Thursday, November 5, 2009

Meaness, Thoughtlessness, and Hypocracy

Today the Teabaggers have been gathered by their corporate sponsors to invade the U.S. Capitol building and the office buildings of Congress persons.

One Teabagger told Congressman Wexler that she will remember how he votes when the next election comes aroung.

Congressman Wexler is not running for anything in the next election, but the stupid individual probably didn't care anyway.

The business of all Americans has been slowed by the lobbyists and their fringe group of cultist followers who listen to what is told to them and follow the lead of paid workers.

All of this, of course, is being followed closely by Fixed Notnews.

This is happening just two days after the neocons lost a seat that hasn't been held by a Democrat since close to the time of the Civil War.

The nutjobs, with Sarah spewing them on, made sure that a Democrat would do something that has not been done in close to 150 years. Way to go neocons.

What would have been a sure win for the Republican Party now is just one more loss since their big turnout in 2008.

But wait, there is more. A Congressional seat recently held by a Republican is now going to be held by a Democrat.

That makes two more losses in the House by Republicans and they are still trying to claim that Tuesday's elections was a loss for Democrats and President Obama.

Why use the truth when corporation-sponsored and authored talking points are repeated over and over again by a horrible group of followers who have no intentions of reading the truth on their own.

Unfortunately, it happened close to home and in my city.

The least experienced candidate among a field of seven candidates, and the fellow who gathered the most dollars also collected the most votes.

It is not that unexpected when one of his biggest supporters is a former L.A. Councilman who doesn't live in L. A. or the city in which the candidate won.

And the fellow who won may have used an illegal mailer to try and get out the vote.

City councilman are required to run as a non-partisan. No organized political party affiliation is allowed by the California Constitution to endorse any candidate running in a non-partisan race.

When the Republican Party of Los Angeles County gave its "OFFICIAL" endorsement to Anthony Misetich, it may have violated the law.

Now this same Misetich had a campaign mailer mailed to registered Democrats with the photos of four DEMOCRATIC U.S. Presidents along with wording that suggested that voters follow Misetich's Democratic Party leanings.

All seven candidates signed a pledge to follow campaign promises. Six of the seven candidates did. Anthony Misetich looks like he decided that he didn't need to follow all the pledges and he ended up receiving the highest vote count in the first place.

In the quest to become the Honorary Mayor of a community outside the city he has been elected to the council for, there were about 5 other participants trying to earn the spot of Honoary Mayor of San Pedro, California.

The way one gets to be Honorary Mayor of San Pedro is to pick a group to support, gather contributions for that group, and the person who gathers the most contributions for the group gets to be Honorary Mayor.

Five of the candidates each amassed contributions through dinners and other fundraisers that allowed them to collect several thousand dollars each, for the groups they were supporting.

When it was time to count the contributions, some candidates had gathered $3,000 or so. Two got somewhere closer to up to $13,000. Anthony Misetich's campaign came in with a whopping record of $50,000. It was entirely an unfair competition EXCEPT that groups in the community did receive monies that were badly needed.

How we deal with the cult of neocon is something we need to discuss.

It is tough for under funded groups of citizens to battle corporate sponsored cultists who don't care to read facts but would rather spew lies.

Sarah Palin's book comes out on November 17. Her tour will avoid large cities where she will face real questions from more than just the right side of the political spectrum.

She will probably be followed close to her backside by Faux Noise which has already written the scripts for their shows stating that she had a fantastic reception in the towns she visits and her book flew off all of the shelves in a matter of seconds.

Well, when the book's presales have gone from $28.99 per copy to $9.00 per hardback, I think she will call out, "Wassila, we have a problem".

Now it is only a matter of time before Sarah moves to the lower 48 and we should get a thing going as to what State she will settle in.

Virginia and North Carolina are my two top picks. But Ohio might be in the running, too.

Please don't get me started on Blenn Geck.